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Changing NOTE Emphasis


Especially when working in DAWs with melody and scales, I have found it very useful to put the harmonically correct notes (of triad or 4 note chord), On beat one and then other ODD beats.  Dissonant, passing tone notes, work better if they are on the even beats (especially of 16th notes.  


Often I will juggle notes to do that then I find that I lower velocity and shorten durations on the even beats (16th notes)


I would love to see a feature like this that would either do it by notes present  on track and also by subposition. I'ts amazing how many discordant notes you can put in if you use the scheme. (read it an an arrangement book)


Would there be a way to implement some of this in SFP now, or would you considerate it as a future "Melody Enhancement tool".  (got a few more ideas for that if i ponder it a few days.. 

Di., 29.05.2012 - 17:18 Permalink

There's a feature to enhance down-beat or off-beat emphases under the velocity menu. You can apply it multiple times to strengthen the effect. Maybe we could add more templates to the menu?