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creating a rhythm template


I would like to take MPC grooves and some Logic grooves.  and have them show up  in the Rhythm template. 


These consist of a VERY large number of short midi files, that go from an almost imperceptable swing to extremely pronounced.


How do I go about this? 


It would be great to have this as a rhythm template to work with.


Since this file conists of over 100 short midi files, and I often want to import midi files in static, to preserve integrity with the orginal.  It might be nice if IMPORT had a global command for making all parts static.  Or possibly you could choose some  or all of parts and then move to static import. 


I guess for the time being, I'll import them on default values, cause I only care about the rhythm, not melodic relation ship (they are all chormatic scales, just the timing is different).  



Sa., 30.06.2012 - 14:30 Permalink

i agree if we had global command in import dialog to apply same settings to all tracks at once
for this kind of batch imports
it would be really time saver.
but static import its easy
if you export all of your groove templates on midi channel 10...

also I.M.H.O. you don't have to use them in the Rhythm Templates menu just make a new Library called Grooves and put/collect in it all the grooves that you like.

Sa., 30.06.2012 - 23:37 Permalink

I just checked, I have Korg, MPC, and Logic grooves.  They are all assigned to MIDI 1.  They were designed to be used on any track, not just drums - hence channel 1 I assume.


That would mean exporting them one by one.  Probably more work than changing them to static in SFP. While they can work from a library (I was doing that last nite).  It would  be  one step easier if they could be added to the Rhythm template.


If it's possible Andre, can you explain it. Also I forgot and can't find explaination of creating chord progression pallettes, so they would show up in chord progression tool.

