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Details on Ableton live 9 finally released


Ableton have announced the imminent release of version 9 of their daw.
first impressions look good and the built in drums to midi and harmony to midi converters might be a boon to us synfire users...

More details (https://www.ableton.com/en/live/new-in-9/)

Do., 25.10.2012 - 17:48 Permalink

I hope they'll have more friendly update prices for suite & m4l owners.
After beeing in a 3 year beta with 8 it should be a free update.

Do., 25.10.2012 - 18:22 Permalink

Phy6 doesn't look like it at the moment. I have suite and m4l and just logged in to be told the update is a whopping 299euros. I wonder if that's the same price if I didn't have m4l as it seems a bit steep.

Now wondering when bitwig will be out and what the crossgrade price will be?

Fr., 26.10.2012 - 04:36 Permalink

Years ago, I started down the Digidesign patth, after one upgrade, (quite steep$).  I saw the writing on the wall.  They got you by the balls, and you're gonna have to pay for it).. I tried  a few different DAWs, but had been using Logic all along.  So I stayed.  Let's hope Ableton doesn't go this route. 

Fr., 26.10.2012 - 09:44 Permalink

I'm hoping they have an issue with their website giving a price solely based on the upgrade of suite. I had to buy max for live separately but now it's bundled which pushes up the retail price of the suite version. I'd love to see the price quoted for someone who only has live suite and no max so I can compare and maybe complain.

Fr., 26.10.2012 - 14:07 Permalink

Taken from Ableton forum :
Existing Suite 8 owners will be offered an exclusive introductory discount on upgrades to Live 9 Suite, to be made available upon release.

the price will be available UPON release. they know that there are many guys who paid a lot. it only make sense that this price is cheaper than the actual 199 €.