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The Engine



Im using Synfire on a Win7 64bit on the 64bit engine, the old computer was a Win7 64 bit and I was using the 32bit engine and on both computers I have big problems with the engine crashing all the time, its frustrating becourse the system is a cleen and only with the programs and plugins I use for music. I only use internet when updating/starting Synfire, Ableton and Reason.

Would it be possible for you to change the Engine, so you can submit crash reports from the Engine when it crashes?

Do., 24.01.2013 - 20:34 Permalink

This would indeed be very helpful. It works great on OS X, because Apple built this feature into their OS. It is more difficult on Windows. Added this to the list.

Sa., 26.01.2013 - 13:55 Permalink


Thanks for putting it on the list. I hope it will be at the absolute top of the list as the Engine keeps crashing and the Engine is needed for Synfire if you want to run it as standalone.