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Export to DAW Cubase, where do I view/edit the midi?


This is surely a silly question and the reason I can't find this quickly is probably because I've not used Cubase since version 1.0. When I do Export to DAW, where do I see the midi on the Cubase side, I've tried opening different things on the channel left sidebar and looked at different menus but can't see the midi. When I press play in Cubase my song plays after Export to DAW but I can not see the midi in the timeline.

Mo., 12.12.2011 - 20:05 Permalink

The midi is hidden in the drones. Cubase does not know it's there.

You can drag and drop the midi to a Cubase track, but then Synfire can not change it anymore. It is best to leave it in the drones until your composition is almost done.

Di., 13.12.2011 - 14:35 Permalink

Don't seem to be able to drag and drop the midi tracks from Synfire on any kind of channels in Cubase.  What is the recommened process moving the midi files to Cubase after working with them in the drones?  I already added a mix with automation but now I need to move the tracks over as the Geist Drum Machine does not seem to be in exact playback sync with the midi coming from the drones and I want to use the built in Geist pattern sequencer to finalize my drum track.

Mi., 14.12.2011 - 00:11 Permalink

There were two problems with this:

1. The midi from the Drone came out of sync by about a bar - 1/16 note, which made it not sync with my drum machine.

2. More serious then I had one EWQL Play instance with several midi channels, it only brought over the first midi channel when I dragged it from the drone.

I ended up just saving the midi from SFP and then importing it into Cubase, which was easy enough and then assigning the correct drones to those imported midi tracks. Actually, I think that is if anything a quicker method than going into each drone and dragging the midi from there - but it is a nice feature to have.

Mi., 14.12.2011 - 12:22 Permalink

Re 1: Be careful where you drop the midi data. It is your responsibility to drop it at the correct position. The drone has no control over the DAW

Re 2: Be sure you have solo or mutes disabled in Synfire. The drone exports exactly the same midi data it used to play back.

The advantage of using the drones is you can selectively export individual tracks and need not think about which track in the midi files belongs in which DAW track etc.

Mi., 14.12.2011 - 13:45 Permalink

Re 1: Yes, I noticed that at first that tracks were just dropped where I placed them with the mouse. After I noticed this I was very careful to drop every track exactly at the beginning of bar 1. And the whole song was in sync but still offsett by a bar minus 1/16 bar.  Actually just remembered that when I imported the midi after exporting it as file from SFP, there was an extra unexpected 1/16 note at the beginning of the song on each channel, that I just deleted, something I can not see in the view in SFP and probably is the explaination for this offsett.  Will try again with a different song and we'll if its the same.