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HALion 5 global racks constructing


It is not possible to load all samples into HALion5 for different global racks, so i can give the soundnames in the global rack, but must assign the sounds in the global rack when needed.

Halion5 has a category and and a subcategory for sound assigning, but the global rack when open again points not to the right soundcategory and soundsubcategory ..even when i load one sound in a slot there.

This is laborious a/the global rack with Halion5..it is valid for all sounds...the globalrack points not to the used soundcategory/soundsubcategory..and i must assign a sound in HALion5 ..not convieniant at all...terrible.  

There is no escape .. suppose i do have 50 global racks for all sounds in HALion ..all sound are loaded as sample .. too much for memory..and no pointing to the soundcatgory/subcategory.

The global racks holds alone the instrument names then and i cannot partially load some racks with samples and bypass the other global racks .
Problem is with HAlion5 once the sounds are loaded in the slots there..it uses memory ..a switch to disconnect them from memory in a rack in Synfire should be a solution ( if possible ? )