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How to achieve Global Harmony?


Entschuldigung if this has been covered before and I didn't find it.

I'm trying to have a global chord progression in its own container or the root container with perhaps alternative progressions in subcontainers at different parts.

So I tried putting my progression in the root container and removing the progression from the subcontainers. This leads to no sound at all. What does works in to have a separate chord progression container at the very bottom which is rather weird to me. Is this normal behaviour?

The way I would expect it to work (and I may be muddled here for sure) is for the topmost container to handle the harmony and the subcontainers to change the harmony if they have any changes. But it seems to work backwards.

I'd like to know if I am doing things incorrectly.


(Arrange_ Root with no progression.jpg)

Sa., 19.12.2009 - 18:04 Permalink

Hm. I see the container shows that magic circle (°), which means there is a progression assigned in it. Could it be you just deleted all chords from the progression instead of clearing the Harmony parameter? You probably still have an empty progression in the parameter. That would in fact disable the output.

Sa., 19.12.2009 - 20:16 Permalink

Excellent. Thank you! That fixed it for me when I "cleared" the harmony parameter. I was confused between a parameter and the actually chords in the progression.
