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How to get the original composition as far as possible back ?


  I made this short arrangement for 4 instruments

-measure 1 : C pentmajor.h

- measure 2  : C.wholetone.h

-measure 3  C pentmajor.h

-measure 4: C.wholetone.h

-measure 5 : C pentmajor.h

Every measure has a scalechance .. the global key is A minor , but i started without chords to bring in the notes and all symbols does have the right pitch, but after filling in the chordprogression. The chords seems to be on the right pitch, but the melodylines not anymore


With synfire there are no dissonants anymore, but the difference with the original and the interpretated melodies is too big.. i can live with better refinements  :-) from Synfire , but this is too much difference

- flute  oktave  - G4..must be C4

- Gm clarinet octave - G4 must be C4

-Gm harpsichord topnote is A#5 , must be C5


It seems that all melodies are too high ...why it not should lower them  ?

Perhaps has it to do with the workflow ?


note: the original composition sounds much better.. so to get the right notes is one story, but to get the right sound too


I do have a more fundamental problem with Synfire : i cannot assign a key without chords to a phrase

Do i overlook something ?  

I  studied the scales and key handling in Synfire.. try to get a phrase in a key without chords ( = interpretation)
There is a lot of music where  no blockchords are involved ( bye bye interpretation Synfire magic ) and i don't know how broken chords are handled by Synfire ?