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Italian translation

Good evening everyone. In the USA it is customary to donate a sum of money to the municipal kindergarten, when a person settles in a small town, as a tribute to the community. With this same spirit, I translated the Synfire manual from English into Italian, for free, for the benefit of all users of SYNFIRE, which I hope will become many. Find this translation which, IS NOT OFFICIALLY SUPPORTED BY COGNITONE, but it is only an amateur translation made by me, on the forum looking for "Manuale Italiano". Ciao (hello). Fabrizio (fabry-64).

So., 28.04.2019 - 19:40 Permalink
Thanks Alpho. I think Synfire is a brilliant software, something similar to the discovery of writing over six thousand years ago. Synfire is a way to separate the symbol (the musical note) from its sound, thinking of it in terms of its relationship with the sound environment to which it belongs ... an incredible intelligence is needed to "think" about this leap that separates the symbol from its meaning maintaining its musical identity. In fact André Schnoor is a genius. Some people will understand the scope of this new compositional method in ten or maybe 20 years.

So., 28.04.2019 - 19:45 Permalink
Synfire, due to its intelligence content "insight", deserves to be known as much as possible. What I could do was translate the manual into my native language. I worked a lot, but it was worth it. Now anyone who wants to read it in Italian can do it. I hope it spreads as much as possible among the composers.