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Letting a parameter permanently transform an instrument track.


As one plays with adding parameters to a track, it can greatly change what the track is playing.  Lately I've been putting certain parameters in their own container, so I can better undeerstand what's going on with a certain part.


I would like to see a 'Apply parameter permanently' command..  The step, pause, and rhythm parameters can easily take a boring track into something special.  One would first drag the original phrase to a library (or clipboard as I understand the new feature is to be called), so he could go back to original status.


All the parameters available in SFP are wonderful, but sooner or later, you have to start solidfying parts.  It's frustrating to try to perform a new track while the reference has step, pause, rhythm applied to it, cause you can't really see where the 'real' note is; hence it affects what you are currently trying to record.


Yes doing this will take away some of the fluidity of the piece, but the clipboard, and saving versions as you go along, will easily let you undo any changes.. I've already been doing that when I've SPF/LOGIC/SFP a song.  since I am now in a 'linear' mode, I open an earlier SFP version of arrangement and I can redo, de=contruct any 'aural/structural damage' I have done.. 


It's a psychological thing. one can better analyse a mix when they hear a final two track mix rather than having the original Logic track in front of them. (damn that highhat is too loud).  I guess you're objectivity steps forward, once you have taken away the subjective options available to you.. I would like to see that in SFP. (either with commands, or simply using the procedure described above).


An old engineers trick is to greatly reduce the volume of the mix and take note of what sticks out, or is completely missing. Some subtle adjustments, to volume, eq, panning, can greatly upgrade the mix.. And when you go back to playing loud it still works. 



Di., 26.03.2013 - 02:45 Permalink

I'd like the re sample option to do what mark is asking for..ie select a range, select multiple parameters then invoke the re sample menu option and have it create a new take or figure and remove the parameters you selected. If this was undo able, you could re sample, move the new take/figure to a clipboard or new container and undo the resample and pause the instrument in the original continer so you could roll back if needed.

Do., 28.03.2013 - 22:20 Permalink

Try Parameter >> Save to Figure ;-)

It works for Step, Velocity, Length, Rhythm, Variation and Sustain. You need to delete the source parameter after you are done.