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Link function in embedded library


No idea how this is intended to  work: what is the purpose of this link function exactly ?

The manul gives a short explanation, but it is vague.
There is a arrangement : I choose a container filled with some instruments and in this container i choose one instrument/sound and than i choose a phrase in the library and use the link option.

Can i exchance the arrangement instrument/sound with a another instrument/sound in the library ..is this the whole idea behind the link function? 

Di., 07.01.2014 - 15:45 Permalink

The link function makes library phrases play back using the harmony, tempo and sound of the selected instrument. What you hear is what you get, so to speak.

Di., 07.01.2014 - 16:55 Permalink


As i understand ( and already listened )...

The default phrases don't have a chord progression assigned to them, but i don't know about user phrases..
The whole chordprogression for a choosen instrument/sound in the arrangement (a container) and tempo  is then assigned to a library phrase ( with-or without chordprogression.. its gets a new progression)

Well.. a new phrase for the existing phrase in a container.



Di., 07.01.2014 - 23:50 Permalink

I am trying doing more with the default library phrases included in Synfire..
- i cannot see the length of the master phrase or others. in the library.

- the default phrases are not divided in a pool, that's strange because all imported phrases are  broken apart in the  pool

So the default phrases are different treated than the user phrases and do have a another limited workflow how to use them.. that is a setback in userfriendly composing with phrases.. or do i miss something.

Is there a way to get from the default phrases..pool phrases ? --> export them to a midifile and import them in a library ( not in the embedded library ..there is no pool there )

( perhaps a warning here: for pool phrases use a external library ) 
There is no pool in the embedded library like in the external library..misleading

Mi., 08.01.2014 - 15:08 Permalink

The example library consists of a single phrase per pool only to ensure it works with Express too.