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List of rhythmic-related bugs in factories


I conducted all the test below with the Metrics settings set to very short overall durations by generating single bars of time signatures like 2/8, 3/8 and so forth. This works nicely with many factories, but I noticed some bugs for some factories. 

(Context: I am trying to generate very short figures, with overall durations like 1/4, 3/8 etc. I want to later arrange these freely into longer phrases by hand.)

Lines.Chords > Arpeggio Chords

In the Segments tab, rolling the top-level dice seems to also completely randomise the Step parameter, which is not what I would expect.

Lines:Melody > Chained Elements

The resulting overall durations of the figure are longer than the requested single bar. The resulting overall durations seem to be multiples of 1/2, and the actual figure is then placed somewhere inside this overall resulting length. 

Sometimes the actual resulting figure is then longer (e.g., 2 x 2/8 instead of the specified one 2/8 measure), but the bigger problem for me is that the resulting rhythmic values can deviate from what was specified. For example, when trying to generate a single 2/8 measure with only 1/4, 1/8 and 1/16 notes, I was surprised that I got seemingly quintuplets generated! Now, as you know I like using tuplets, but I would like to have control over where that happens ;-)  This is not always the case, but can happen. This seems to be independent of what is specified for the Step parameter for Lines:Melody > Chained Elements.

Lines:Melody > Generic Melody (single)

If only allowing for 1/8 notes (just for testing, 1/8 set to 100% and all other note values to 0%), all Step parameter factories can introduce shorter note values too, even the sequencer. I care less here about the ability to generate pure sequences of 1/8 notes in the end, but this might point to a bug that also has other side effects. 

This may be difficult to reproduce (after changing settings and coming back to the test settings reported above, the Step parameter generation behaved as expected. However, after changing the factory from Generic Melody (single) to another factory, and then back to this one, the reported buggy behaviour popped up again.

Lines:Melody > Generic Melody (multiple)

Same as for Generic Melody (single).

Lines:Melody > Piano Right Hand

Can also show above behaviour, but even more rarely than the others.

Lines:Melody > Question + Answer

Trying to generate single bar results with this factory results in an empty figure. I understand that single bar results may not make sense for this factory, but it might be useful to then disallow users to use this factory with that setting? Perhaps not a priority. 

Lines:Chords > Piano Chords

Some notes of the first chord can seemingly be positioned before the first downbeat, and seemingly therefore they are skipped and not heard.

Fr., 06.05.2022 - 20:15 Permalink

For completeness, none of these are really a big deal, but I thought it would be something useful to share for stabilising this part of Synfire at some stage.