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More action on Matrix page...


It would be nice if on the Matrix page, one could scroll all the parameters up/down of each instrument to get at them..

I'm obviously missing something here.. if this is the matrix page, I want access to all parameters of any individual instrument

I wanted to change 'expression' on matrix page, for one instrument.. When I clicked on expression it showed up on global page.. Won't that affect the expression on all instruments? (no good)


I only want to change the expression on one instrument.. 


If the Matrix(mixer) page had a bit more muscle, it could be a short cut for pro's to add, modify different parameters, pretty rapidly withough going thru the arranger page.. 


I admire you have reduncy in the display of parameters, that is great.. But all of these parameter windows, should be writeable..  I don't want to keep jumping around to windows.. (you have made very good progress on the display and look of SFP so far)


I'm not sure if you started as a Mac or  PC person first... But the unwriten Mac command is 'you really don't have to read the manual', just be willing to experiment, and you will quickly get the hang of the program..


Of course not all mac programs do that.. The mac's motto somewhere in the 90's changed to 'point and click'.. Like a fancy automated camera.. 


Synfire should have certain situations like that,  the extra out of the way pages could change the 'simple' default set-up..


Like in Logic, no one but old timers use the environment page, which is extremely powerful but hard to understand.. There are a number of environments that people download and just use, not really understanding the logic of how that particular logic environment was created..


Synfire should do something along those lines.. Come up in some kind of default where maybe 75 percent uf users, can adjust too and  use fairly quickly.. I think that some kind of overview of your design philosophy and what you envisioned would be helpful... We the users, could get into your head and better understand your thought process. 


The more esoteric features could be studied and used as the situation arises.  


I think the average person today wants to be  up and running in an hour with a program.. Sure they'll take time later to comprehend the more complex proceedures..  But in this ADDHD world.. instant satisfaction is the key..


I recently started becoming interested in purchasing or building a fairly sophisticated analog modular synth.. I want to feel the knobs,,  your brain works in a different manner when using your hands verses a screen and a mouse.

The body has 'muscle memory' and fairly quickly it learns a new action, and that becomes a subroutine, your conscious mind doesn't have to even pay attention to, unless it wants to modify the algorhythm in real time,  (which is what it actually does).


Analog modules have changed greatly since the 80's when I got rid of my ARP 2600 and two cabinets of Aries modules.

Now it's a small but thriving 'cottage industry'.  Many companies only make a couple of esoteric modules, and not even the basic ones.. This way you purchase you analog modules from different companies... (there are 3 main formats, module hight, + = voltages etc..).  So as long as you stick to the right format, you're fine.. 


But there is no master overview of all this, you have to discover it on your own by pouring thru each site.. It's a very slow learning process. Luckily for me there is a store in Brooklyn which caters to analogue module synths, they have modules from a lot companies, and you can go and play. Some of these companies are literally one individual, designing, etching circuit boards, asembling them (some come as kits to save money).. So the amount they make is extremely limited.. But like SFP  it is a very specialized field. 


With SFP you go to the website or youtube -  You hear the impressive demos, and seeing how only a few clicks make audio magic.  But then you sit with the program, and try to imagine what a 'step' parameter is going to do to an instrument in some other container.  And the containers mysteriously move themselves around when you make a change (you've explained it well, and we all understand the current need to do that.. 


As is happening here on this site, the more feedback you get, and you get into 'our' heads of how we perceive the program, it becomes easier for us to meet you on a happy mediium ground..


I've been having fun working on a piece totally in SFP this week.. Got a resonable grasp of most of the parameters, which I love.. 

Mi., 30.10.2013 - 19:43 Permalink

Check out the 'Matrix' tab on the instrument inspector. There you can add or remove parameters from the matrix console. There is only so much room for a limited number of parameters at a time, though.

Mi., 30.10.2013 - 20:10 Permalink

Is it not more userfriendly to show the global parameters by a sign? ..indeed a distinction in global and local parameters

Or maybe global parameter ?

Do., 31.10.2013 - 03:05 Permalink

Yes, I am talking about the Matrix  page, I want to be able to grab  on parameter list of a certain track and have the whole list move up or down till I see the parameter accross the whole mixer section.. So I could go in instrument by instrument and say adjust expressions..


When I did click on parameter on right side of Matrix page,, only the global instrument reflected the parameter. ....


Oh I get it,, you must uncheck some parameters to make room to see different parameters.. I still like the scrollable idea though..  


Unchecking parameters, to make room for new parameters is not very intuitive.. As I've mentioned in the past, the more intuitive, or "i can figure it out myself' the program is, the more people will be drawn to it. 

