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Musical Paint Brush Tool


I had mentioned this earlier, but giving some more thought to it..  There would be a paint brush tool, similar to photoshop and some painting program.. This paintbrush would have several 'heads' which could be picked..


First it could act as a musical paint brush, or erasure.. The different heads would be like only write/erase passing tones, notes withing the current scale of the measure or different scales or modality, random notes, notes only on a certain subdivision of the measure - (paint only on the 2 ands). You could also control the density of the action from very slight to full blast..

Mi., 03.04.2013 - 20:19 Permalink

Some nice food for thought, although

only write/erase passing tones, notes withing the current scale

this will not work with all symbols, because only static pitch could do that.

Do., 04.04.2013 - 16:02 Permalink

How about......After you used the 'spray' tool - SFP would perform a 'take' function analysis and fix any notes that did not fit into the current parameters. 

Fr., 05.04.2013 - 13:46 Permalink

fix any notes that did not fit into the current parameters

Actually the dynamic symbols already do that. Even without the need to "fix" something.