I have multiple synths with glide function (when note overlap).
I want gliding for the notes generated by synfire when figure's notes cross two chords.
how to make the generated notes overlap for the gliding to be used ?
Do., 02.08.2018 - 00:41 Permalink
anyone ?
Do., 02.08.2018 - 13:03 Permalink
You could drag out the figure symbols so they overlap.
Alternatively you can set predetermined length by overriding the implicit length in the Figure parameter.
This can be done by populating the Length parameter of that phrase with a static value, like e.g. 1/4 for making all chord notes into quarters regardless of the lengths of the Figure symbols.
Do., 02.08.2018 - 13:32 Permalink
Thx for the reply but i speak of midi notes automaticaly generated when a figure's symbol cross two chord and result in two midi notes (or more if multiple chords are crossed).
Do., 02.08.2018 - 19:34 Permalink
Think there is a checkbox called Hold in the figure interpretation parameter area, this should stop the held note being interrupted by the chord change.
Do., 02.08.2018 - 23:12 Permalink
You could try splitting the symbol into two. The first symbol should end just after the chord change with the Hold flag set (like Blacksun said), and the second symbol should start just before the chord change with the Look Ahead flag set.
Fr., 03.08.2018 - 00:41 Permalink
Thx to all, so the exact functionally is not existing.
It mean that I had to flatten all my looping containers (not in phase with harmony) and then edit all visible crossing manually. Sniff ! A lot of job.