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Palette Colors On Progression in Chord ruler


It woud be very handy to be able to choose the same color options from the palette coloring in the Chord ruler in the Arrange window.  This way the specific parameters and their patterning represented by the colors could be observed in the working progression, for easier structuring on higher architectonic levels.  


Even better would be to show several color layers at once -- narrow rows perhaps, below the chord. 

Sa., 19.11.2011 - 00:29 Permalink


Currently there are two color systems for progressions: one in the arrange window and circle of fifhs, and the more sophisticated color system from the harmony navigator. I'd like to have the circle offitfths/arranger coloring as an additonal palette that could be selected in the harmony navigator...and it would be great to choose any palette (at least the static ones) in the arranger.