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Quantize remainder to shift


This isn't the most essential feature idea (unlike that 9,000,000 word essay I submitted the other day,) but it might be cool to see at some point.

It would be very useful to have the quantize, as an option, create equivalent shift values while moving the notes to the correct grid position. The actual timing of the sounded performance remains unchanged.

It would work towards separating the composition from the performance.

This would allow a groove to be quickly taken from any part and applied as a container or else edited in a clear, linear way.

Fr., 14.08.2009 - 20:51 Permalink

Sounds like a nice non-destructive feature. I'm not sure however, if the shift parameter is able to attach to individual notes permanently. As it exists independently, the relationship between shift values and figure symbols is rather volatile.

EDIT: You 9 million words essays are much appreciated and are being considered. We just don't yet got around to write a reply.