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Recording chordprogression in HN..possible ?


Hi there,

I watched some tutorial videos about HN.
I saw that you can click on different chords in the chord pallet when a sequence is playing, just to try out progressions.

I was wondering if you can really PROGRAM chord progressions in HN (and then export that whole progression as a midi file).

I was thinking of buying SYnfire but the only real thang i want is to be able to make (program) a chordprogession and that export to logic as a midi file.
I think i don't need all the many extra's that Synfire has.

Kind regards,


So., 11.10.2009 - 14:58 Permalink

Yes, there is a Progression Editor where you can drop chords from the Harmony Palette. From there, you can select the menu Export as MIDI and viola.

I would suggest downloading the demo and reading the supplied manual.