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Saving libraries of containers


Hi all

It would be nice to have the option to save the containers as a block into the library.

Imagine that we have created a container and we titled "Treasure Verse" .

We can drag the container into library´s window,in the above has created a blue folder named Treasure Verse,in the lower the phrases and the parameters.

We can save the container´s content: Instruments,phrases,Parameters as a document .coglib in our computer but if we open it another day and we want to open that container that we saved into a new arrangement we can not drag the folder (container) in the Arrangement,we must create a new container and drag each phrase,each parameter....

It would be great to have the two options:

1- Drag the entire container as a block

2- Drag the parts of the container individually as now we can do


Di., 09.04.2013 - 15:54 Permalink

Hi Shivaloca

As workaround, you can export a container as midi an re-import it to your library.





Di., 09.04.2013 - 18:21 Permalink


Minkepatt thanks to your advice but is not the same,i knew that is possible to export a container as a midi file.

Are too many steps to make,export as a midi file,import it into the library,drag each instrument to the arrangement´s container.

My idea is to save the container into the library (by draging or by exporting) as one file,a block and we can to make a collection of container,a library of containers as we do now with phrases library

The two options,save as a phrases libraries and as a entire containers, libraries,collection


Mi., 10.04.2013 - 09:12 Permalink

Hi Shivaloca

Ooops, I don't understand what you exactly want do do, so I tell you just what I do just to give you an idea …

• Exporting and re-importing, as mentioned before, when I have a complex arrangement and want it "en block".
• When I have just one container, I pack it (menu german version: Container >> Einpacken) and drag it to the 2nd window of my library: it will unpack and build instruments (see screenshot: pack, drag & drop).
• option-drag & -drop a so packed container to a sort of "stockpile-arrangement" from where I can drag & drop it wherever I want it. (screenshot: copy to stockpile) btw: this kind of positioning stuff to a random place can generate cool new musical ideas (well, mostly, it generates musical bullshit, but, hey, it's just a stockpile …)

Maybe it helps (al little) ;-)



Mi., 10.04.2013 - 20:55 Permalink


Minkepatt,the method that you describe is explained in one of the Andre´s videos.Is not the same

Thanks to your attention  :D

So., 12.05.2013 - 14:00 Permalink

I know this might not be the ideal place to post this suggestion but what I would like to see or add to that is…. 


1. The Library window opened along with the arrangement window and an small arrow button that you can click which would (Extend/Minimise) the Library window on the side.   This would save so much time by not having to go thru all those steps just to open the library window.


2. Not having a (separate arrangement window) open when importing midi files when there is a blank arrangement window ready to use.  It would be better if you wanted to import a new midi file in a separate window you select - file - new - arrangement or right click anywhere on the screen for a new arrangement option.


3. When your finished with the arrangement window, using the Tab key, Arrow keys < > or keys (C) (S) (D) to navigate when choosing to either  "Cancel, Save or Discard" then hitting the [Enter} Button.


4. When saving the files in the library, if you clicked "compressed" to save the file, the program remembers your last choice as a default and keeps it there until it's unchecked. 


I feel this would help speed up the process of navigation around the program.

Please let me know if I'm doing somthing wrong...

