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Send CC Value to Live?


Hi All,


Relatively  new user here, just trying to send a CC value to live. I can see the midi signal from the CC value hit Live but the parameter is not changing. I did check to see that the parameter and the CC value from Synfire are the same numeral. Anybody try this? Does it work? Maybe I've overlooked something.


Thank you, jeremy

Mo., 12.01.2015 - 03:42 Permalink

Hey thank you, thats a great video, very helpful.


I'm actually using MIDI Drones because I want to control certain instruments only availble in Live. Have you ever tried to do this with MIDI Drones? Thus far I am striking out..


Cheers, jeremy

Mo., 12.01.2015 - 09:40 Permalink

I thought id had this working in the past but you are right it doesnt work now.

Synfire is sending the midi cc values through as if you record a clip and look at the clip envelopes the midi cc data is there but there no longer seems to be a way to map the control to a live native instrument (or instument rack).

If i got into the midi key option (ie lives learn function) and alter a control on my controller it does work but not when using synfire.

Not sure if this is something that can be changed by cognitone? can you have a look Andre? 

Mo., 12.01.2015 - 19:12 Permalink

I have been experimenting with MidiShaper and in the process I realize that the above problem is a limitation with Live which for some bizarre reason will not process CC messages to its own instruments VIA the MIDI channel. Lives own instruments will only process CC data coming from an external MIDI port (with Remote enabled in preferences) or a Virtual MIDI Cable. Regular VST instruments WILL process CC changes through the MIDI Track. Annoying limitation.

Di., 13.01.2015 - 01:58 Permalink

Ok found a couple of ways round this problem, which I think started with live 9?


You can either use a midi loopback to achieve this or a max for live patch.


Ive done a little rough video showing it working with a maxforlive patch


Do., 15.01.2015 - 21:01 Permalink

Forgive me for not replying sooner!


Sleep, then work, and only now just got back to Synfire..


THANK YOU SO MUCH!! This video is fantastic and completely solves my problem. Please don't hesitate to let me know if I can ever do anything for you in return:



