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smooth chord transition


hey guys,

just a little question....I would like to make very smooth chord progression/transition but when I travel the palette  and choose chords there are some jump between chords...so I guess I have to choose the proper algorithm in the interpretation parameter..right?

any ideas?is it possible to make it "live" while travelling the palette?

what I do now for each chord make an inversion until I'm satisfied..this is require a lot of time



Mi., 24.04.2013 - 12:12 Permalink

Did you have tried the coloring function of the pallette ( study als the videotutorial about this subject )

Applying inversion on chordprogression in Synfire takes not much time : use the number keys on your computerkeyboard

Suppose you select  a C triad chord in the progression : 1 gives the first inversion of the C triad...2 ..the second inversion and further.
For this you must see the information about the chord buildup written on the progression for that particular chord( 1 gives 1 (C) and 2 gives 2 ..3(E)  ..and 3 gives 5(G) and 5 gives the original chord back
1(C) means the rootnote is C
3(E) first inversion ..rootnote is E

..try out yourself.

A smooth progression means that the folllowing chords not much differ in chordnotes.
Example  C triad and E triad ..share two chord tones . ( see this on the piano keyboard ) so there is a smooth transition between them.

For example C triad and D triad share no common chord tones and inverted using the same chord notes..is here a smooth transition between the two chords ? 

Synfire uses also inversions with the chord leading (musical AI )..if neccessary..you can notice that on the progression for the chords in a loaded arrangement.

Cheers too..with a beer  


Mi., 24.04.2013 - 12:23 Permalink

hey namdo,

yes I tried the coloring palete and in my case I was experimenting "subsets" which is perfect in my case.

However, when I trvael the palette not all inversion are applied real time, so I was wondering wheter there is faster way to do it.


and yes it's not difficult to apply inversion, but for many chords its a bit long..just asking if there is faster way to do it, and if there is a special command in the interpretation parameter

Mi., 24.04.2013 - 13:38 Permalink

hey gianpiero

It is also possible in one go for a chordprogression to assign a inversion for all chords at once
Than there is no differation between inversions anymore
Say you have 5 chords progression ..use CTRL + click on each chord to select the progression..than apply a inversion
But that makes not really sense..? ..sounds the progression smoother when it has for example all first inversions
Also Synfire comes up with the inversion when used by the AI inthe arrangement ..so you can bypass this by ear.

I don't know if i can set a inversion for a palette chord ( i don't think so )..it is real time and it is than using the AI algorithms when there is a phrase ( the synfire magic is applied on the symbols)
You want quick experimenting real time with inverted chords on the pallette? 

A special command for a more improved chord recognition ? 

I remember me one way of (experimenting) working with a inverted chordprogression--> set this looped for some chords and than chance the inversions during playback and listen.  
How about that ;)

Note : other topic ... the 2 pianoexercises on soundcloud from me  there are isomorf( the same structure)..fascinating..it is the pianotutorial ( partly ) from Cognitone: buildingup a simple piano theme