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Snippets Auto-Regen (Dice) - for simple hands-off jamming!



Though there are many ways to interact with a grid towards the goals of performance and composition, one of the simplest is to say:  "Roll the Dice every N measures".

Even though it is so simple as to be "simplistic", in the absence of something more sophisticated, this is a decent way to achieve hands-off jamming!

IOW, play your guitar, or GeoShred, keyboard, saxophone, (whatever!) while Synfire produces a non-static bed of music to keep things groovy and interesting w/o you having to constantly stop playing and mess with mouse or keyboard in order to roll the dice.


A separate idea, but worth mentioning in this context I think, would be if Synfire could "synthesize" N measures (or N minutes) of the above directly into an Arrangement without us having to play the thing out in realtime first and then do 'Make Arrangement from Last Session' after the fact.

(Stipulated:   'Make Arrangement from Last Session' is very cool.  I'm thrilled to find it already there!)