On the Snippets page, currently, every roll of the dice (potentially) chooses a different snippet in every column.
Sometimes that is desired, but sometimes not.
One common case would be wanting all the columns to follow the dice except the harmony column. The point in this case being that the user only wants a harmony change when explicitly asked for.
Of course, the concept is general, and may apply to columns other than Harmony (Group 4 in the picture above).
So, I suggest that columns be given a settable property: Follow the Dice Yes/No
P.S. How can I change the name of 'Group 4' above to 'Harmony'?
Mo., 01.01.2024 - 15:13 Permalink
Another needed column property, IMO:
Allow Dice to Create Silence: Yes/No
Currently a roll of the dice can have the result of "no sound" for a given column.
This may be sometimes desirable, but certainly not all the time.
Example: User doesn't want the drums to stop, ever, when the dice are rolled.
Change? OK, Stop? No! <g>
Mo., 01.01.2024 - 15:42 Permalink
The right-click menu has an option if a snippet group shall respond to dice.
Mo., 01.01.2024 - 15:46 Permalink
Ah, indeed. Thank you!