Halion 7 vst3 doesn't load, maybe other vst3 plugin can't.
The solution is to shell it to vst2 via with this : https://www.xlutop.com/buzz/zip/vst3shell_v1.3.zip
you copy only vst3shell.x64.core and vsti3shell.x64.dll to c:\Program Files\Steinberg\VstPlugins\
after that halion7 and other vst3 will appear in vst list and will load.
If you are in 4k you will have a dpi problem with only a part of halion7 displayed in a non-resizable plugin windows. By messing some time with the interface you can access to "options" screen in "all editor" list and deactivate dpi and it will fully be displayed but with small characters. They are other display options to mess with that can help, for example detach tabs in independant windows.
An other solution is to put your screen in 1920 resolution. Another could be to force redimensionable atttribute of the halion7 windows with some autohotkey script.
Beside that I can't help much, better to search by yourself and let us know your findings than asking me a question, I thank you.
Fr., 02.02.2024 - 12:06 Permalink
works now directly in VST3 with the new update. great ! hurry up for André !