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Sounds of a Distant Sun.... new sf tune


I posted a work in progress a month or so ago and recieved some suggestions and comments, thought you all might like to take a listen to the final version hopefully Ive taken on board some of them.


This was a track prototyped in SF with guitar and drums taken from stems provided by a friend and artist, Distant Earth. I cut the guitar track up, transcribed the parts I wanted to use into midi and loaded into sf to harmonise and prototype against. Ive used a different progression than the work in progress (one of the standard sf ones) and surprisingly the track came out with a very familiar feel to it although Im not sure what tune it reminds me of.



Thanks for taking the time to listen, hope you enjoy.



So., 22.04.2012 - 21:48 Permalink

Interesting piece.  Yes the idea of cutting up the guitar into a new order is great.  It gives you a new working foundation to build from.  One thing I do when using a chord progressions is to double it or triple it, and put some subtle chord variations into it.  It will often give the piece a more flowing feeling, and help you get away from the constant 8 bar repeat.  If you put a few more variations in one of the 8 bars, it gives you contrasting sections (verse, chorus, bridge, etc)


One of the truly great things about SFP, is it lets you go in after the song is finished and try some chord variations. Making the piece have anywheres from a subtle to extreme change in nature.  You can create your own chord progressions and put them in the proper folder and they will automatically show up in the harmonize, section.  

Good work....