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Synfyre midi transport synchronization with Cubase audio


I use 2 screens and the idea is to sychronize the transport of the midi events in Synfire with audio events in Cubase.
The problem is now that i must focus first ( click on the screen) Cubase to get the transport working with Synfire.

Unworkable ..because on this way i lost the synchronization between the 2 programs.
I start Synfire in monitor 1 and Cubase is following in monitor 2.   
How to solve this that the two monitors work undependately of eachother ?

Di., 22.01.2013 - 17:17 Permalink

Once the transport link is up, Cubase will always follow Synfire. You do not need to activate the Cubase window. It should run also in the background, or on a second monitor.