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Tool Selection shortcut


I'm beginning to see there are sometimes more than one way to accomplish something.  Some people no doubt utilize a different workflow than others.


It would be nice to have a tool selection shortcut, rather than having to go up to the upper left of the window to select a new tool.  Logic Pro implements a technique.  When you hold the "esc" key a small selector window pops up at the mouse's current position.  You then 'slide' through the tools, and hit the mouse button once to select a new tool.  This saves a significant amount of time of repositioning the mouse to choose a new tool.  


Another way to implement a rapid tool change would be to hit the 'esc' key and the current tool selection would move to the right, and then wrap aroundwould. You could go from the 'span' tool to the  'symbol' tool with three clicks.

Di., 22.02.2011 - 21:43 Permalink

I'm fairly certain that holding command/control key (Mac/PC respectively) and pressing the number keys from 1-7 will change tools...numbered from left to right.  I think "x" also toggles between segment/symbol selection tools.

This is from memory, so I apologize if anything is incorrect!


Edit:  Thought you were talking about Synfire since you were mentioning it in a different thread...then noticed this was in HN forum...oops