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User manual update soon?


Seems like a lot of changes going on. When do you expect to update the user manual?


Sa., 09.10.2010 - 15:37 Permalink

Updating the manuals and keeping track of the multiple languages and layouts is a lot of work. Currently we have six user manuals to maintain.

Therefore we keep a list of what needs to be updated until the next version is going to be printed. This is still a while ahead. Two months at least.

So., 12.12.2010 - 07:24 Permalink

the curent manual is actualy in my opinion lacking in 75 % of the needed information to be able to successfully use the software. as it is, users are FORCED to have to ask retarded questions.
how am i expected to purchase an upgrade if you cant even create a decent manual for the product i have?
i know that ALOT of synfire customers are extremly pissed off at the fact that they cant realy even use the software.
how about thinking of THE CURRENT USERS first , and start focusing on some real manuals and not just videos and forum gui. !!!

So., 12.12.2010 - 07:39 Permalink

LOL "six manuals to "maintain" are you serious supertonic?? ....cmon first you need a manual that covers the current build etc. then you would have to "maintain" and amend that manual. so it is not alot of work if the architect has done the planning that any organization worth paying attention to has done. that is nessessary to insure a succesful build. so it seems you are implying that you all are just operating haphazardly, is this the case ?? and the excuse of language is NOT an issue in this day and age. im not buying that at all.

i just realy hope you all can get it together. i would love to be able to actualy have a chance to use HN2 and synfire to create with instead of just opening up the program and clicking on everything in every concievable combination just to see what it does ... its realy quite sad that such a potentialy powerful software can be so crippling to composers.

So., 12.12.2010 - 13:03 Permalink

Erik, it would be more helpful if you would list your personal suggestions what, in your opinion, should be added to or changed with the manual instead of just bashing us.


Mo., 13.12.2010 - 03:36 Permalink

im sorry . i do not mean to bash at all. ive stated that i do in fact like the product, however i believe that if the manual was more complete i would not have had the trouble i have had in using the software. that is all .

Mo., 13.12.2010 - 10:44 Permalink

Let us know what you would like to see added, and we will certainly consider this for the next update. As we can not read our user's minds, we depend on feedback and suggestions in order to improve something.