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Using the embedded library


:-) I do have opened a arrangement with a lot of libraries, but i don't get the right sounds out of it.
One of those libraries is also the Example Phrases ( default Synfire) ..but it makes no sense to assign every phrase by hand , but i have a dedicated GM rack with a multi-timbral DD , but cannot figure out to connect the GM rack to the embedded Example libraries (default).

Can this be fixed in Synfire to easy connect the example phrases to a GM multitimbral DD rack form the embedded library screen?
There is a option wheel : Use General Midi instruments rack ..as new option
Better is that the option wheel comes up with the racknames.  

( the librarynames must be same as a racknames for a library..when the library is choosen..Synfire can look at the rack too ).
At the moment it is messy working with opening different screens   

The solution for the GM sounds is to load this soundbank into the rack..(Synfire is not guiding this installation ..so it easy to forget this step ..what i did..and come to nothing.. userfriendlyness that  can be improved)