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Why i cannot load a Drone by hand in Cubase 6.5?

Fr., 02.11.2012 - 10:58 Permalink

  I back again and start again..

Whe you hit return or tab away from ten name the box next to the drop down where you selected plugin as the type should turn green


As to choosing a category... It is up to you... If you want to use a piano type sound select the piano category... It's just to tell synfire the sort of sound the plugin s going to play. Eventually you can create a device definition and pick the exact sound but for now just pick a category say piano.

I did i just pick a piano ( without device description yet) , but there is no green light for the selected type : Plug-in ? after i filled in the soundcategory and name. 

Halion 4 starts up with a synth sound: 4th dimension on channel 1 .. is it possible to see the selected plugin Halion 4 now ?

I think if you do not select the daw drone as the target first it will load the drone into the wrong place....   


Yes .. now i did choose first the DAW2 Cubase port and than choose the  plug-in
I do need green light to go further :)

I did the setup again with a another Vsti and did the same steps--> the light is going green !! for the type plugin instrument ..
So it has something to do with Halion 4 ..?

I went to Cubase with the second plug- in and it loaded in cubase( drone window )..choose a sound and make a phrase in SFE and it plays the phrase..this is normal working.


To get a green light for the plug-in: what makes that Halion4 it not gets?

Did you study the video from @Juergen..this workflow looks more logical 

I did his workflow ..ands now there is coming a error message in the Drone window in Cubase:

Halion has to many input/output channels [70]
Well now we know what the problem is...thanks @blacksun!
I hope that Cognitone can fix this ?

Fr., 02.11.2012 - 12:33 Permalink

Strange, i just tried to relocate the MUX vsti synth to Cubase and again a error message : MUX has to many input/output channels [? }

I informed about MUX: it has only 4 stereo outs..how about that ?

Cubase (i have v5.5) recognized the MUX Synth with 4 (stereo) outs and the MUX Effect with 7.1 surround in and out (that's the same 4 stereo in/out as the synth).
For MUX Effect you have to setup for a 7.1 surround channel to access more than 1 stereo in/out.

 @supertonic quote

Synfire is VST 2.4.2. If the Engine can load it, the Drone can also load it.

The limit of output channels is 32. VST with more than 32 outputs (= 16 stereo) can not load.

    4 stereo out seems to be not much for the MUX(synth) . . has it to do with the input ?
I like to have Halion4 and MUX working with the relocate function in Cubase ( if not possible to fix this   ..than by hand installing of drones ? , how about midi import than ..that is preserved ? )  


Fr., 02.11.2012 - 13:46 Permalink

If you can't get the drones to load halion or any other vst, then you are limited to using either a virtual midi cable or a midi drone.

If using a virtual midi cable, set the plugin type as midi and pick the right virtual midi port and channel. Then in cubase add the halion without a drone and set the input to the same port and channel.

The midi drones work like a hybrid. From the synfire side it's the same as a normal drone but you tick the midi drone box rather than load the plugin. Then in cubase route the midi out of the drone to the input of halion stored on a track not in the drone.

Fr., 02.11.2012 - 14:22 Permalink


If the relocate function is not working for my beloved Halion 4/MUX  than by hand installing the Drone  rests.
And If midi export functionality stay the same ..nothing i can do about it.
Drone handling is a different chapter again in SFE...