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Why no drag&drop global rack via Rack module library gives no global arrangement ?


Setting up a template....

In the rack module libary there are instruments(VST) and Global Rack Modules(instrument)
-Drag and drop an instrument(VST) is for 
for a single use in an arrangement
- Drag and Drop a global rack (instrument) is also for single use? -> why not for an arrangement for general use?

It is also striking that there is no explanation given in the manual about the setup of an arrangement for single use and general use
Or am I reading something wrong ?

So it is not possible to make a general arrangement via drag and drop from the rack module library...strange?

Apparently a global (general)  arrangement can only be created via a new instrument in the Instrument column and not with drag $drop then.


Di., 10.05.2022 - 13:39 Permalink

> gives no global arrangement ?

What is a "global arrangement"? Is that your private terminology? 

> In the rack module libary there are instruments(VST) and Global Rack Modules(instrument)

VST instruments can also be set up as global instruments.

Global instruments in the global rack can be shared by multiple projects: (https://docs.cognitone.com/synfire/EN/concepts/RackGlobal.html)

Remember that this is a pre-release. Hopefully there will be more accessible documentation like tutorial videos later, but at this stage you are best served by spending a few hours just reading the manual. Apologies, if reply is not very helpful, but I cannot really understand your question.

Di., 10.05.2022 - 14:28 Permalink

Arrangments (setup) can be made with assigned racks on two ways :
- one time use arrangement ( arrangement rack)
- general use arrangement  ( a global rack )

Don't know if there is a name in Synfire's manual for a arrangment what uses global racks 
I named it as : global arrangement and don't know how a one time used arrangement is named ?

Its about drag$drop a global rack into a instrument column in the arrangement view : what kind of arrangement do i get then? : global or local arrangement: i (can name this as local ).
It seems i get a arrangement with assigned arrangement rack.

When done ..it gives a arrangement rack assigned to the instrument.
I should aspect a global rack assigned .. 

Making a multiple to use arrangement ( i name it a global arrangement) cannot be made by drag $drop , but must be made via instrument column : new instrument) in arrangement view
Maybe i am wrong with this idon't know ..
Hopefully it is more clear now what im after  


Di., 10.05.2022 - 15:35 Permalink

The wizard is not helping to choose a one time arrangement or setting up a arrangement for multiple uses ( could not find it yet )

I think this had to be the goal for designing the software

Di., 10.05.2022 - 15:36 Permalink

Guide users to choose the desired setup for the arrangement type.
Now it is confusing to choose an arrangment
One is stuck in the old sound system at Cognitone development