I´d like to see a grid in the arrange sometimes. One could make it switchable on/off.
Also i´d like to see different/independent grid settings for the phrase editor and the arrangement.
In the PE i´ll most likely have a smaller grid setting than in the arrange most of the time.
Just add another grid setting for the arrange that is independent.
If you´re really cool, these would even adapt to zoom settings:
Zoom in --> smaller grid
Zoom out --> bigger grid
Also the visibility of the container position when moving is not optimal. The grey bar in the time ruler is hardly visible.
Crosshairs ala Reaper would be great.
And while we´re at it:
The ruler should not only contain bars&beats but also absolute time and timecode. Preferably switchable.
And please give us a BIG time display. Also switchable between bars/absolute time/TC
Do., 17.07.2014 - 01:31 Permalink
No chance, i guess? :hello:
Fr., 18.07.2014 - 01:03 Permalink
I totally agree with you.. It would be one step easier. One work around, is set quantize value to an appropriate value, and drag/copy will use that grid.. Not ideal. but..
I had asked for a 'cross hair' feature quite a while ago, it never came to be. People do listen (don't get discouraged, bring it up again in a while.. I had dropped out for a while, cause I was stuck with the all the confusion about the 'rack set-ups and it asking me 5 questions everytime I closed a session. I was never sure if I was saving my work.
Well Andre and several other users came to my rescue with info..
Don't be afraid to bring it up, or crouch your question, in 'how do you accomplish this', instead it would be nice if SFP did this.. There are often solutions, but sometimes not obvious at all..
SFP has a very steep learning curve.. Take it a step at a time.. In this day and age, we are all used to pushing a couple of buttons, and getting results.. Problem is, so can everybody else does..
I studied the aspects and techniques in SFP and apply it to Logic directly by hand.. I make quantize template.. I will move a phrase to another place reverse it, jumble it up. And then hand edit to suit my needs.. After two years I've gotten fairly decent and intrinsically knowing where to move notes, just using the score or piano list editor.. I don't have to audio check every change.. It was because of my tenancity of sticking with SFP... I admit I don't use it as much as others.. as I prefer to work in linear mode. and SFP prefers overlapping containers, the latest container always overriding the earlier one. So it gets very difficult to discern what is happening musically all the time.
When It gets to complicate. I export SFP as midi file, re-import and can see the effects of all my changes.. Cause it robs me of the power of making simple changes in containers.. but this is the way it works for me..
SFP is not gonna adapt to you, (nor will much software at this point) you have to adapt yourself to it..
good luck..
Fr., 18.07.2014 - 12:18 Permalink
SFP is not gonna adapt to you, (nor will much software at this point) you have to adapt yourself to it..
Haha. Yeah, i figured that many moons ago. I literally have pages over pages of questions, suggestions and all sorts of stuff. But i figured I´ll let Andre just do his thing. I abandoned SF a couple months ago due to constant frustration.
Now I came back because I need it for a specific purpose and there´s nothing like it to achieve what i want to do.
My main problem at the moment ist, that its totally unpredictable and wobbly (on Windows 7)
Engines go offline for no apparent reason.
Racks wont be saved correctly.
Notes wont play as expected.
Pressing play results in serious (sometimes visible) lag.
Sometimes a restart or reset will fix stuff. Sometimes not.
This stuff is not repeatable. So a bug report makes no sense.
I accepted SF as a tool with its quirks which is kinda genius but certainly not ready for primetime.
I made it a kinda therapeutic excercise in patience for me :D
I know all will be good. Somewhen in the futeure.
I´ll go and check out the Berlin user group tonight. I kinda hope to find some answers in real conversation witzh other users.
So., 20.07.2014 - 17:38 Permalink
An improvement of the grid is already on the list.
If by 'different grids for PE and arrange' you mean the PE's extra window, this is already the case. I assume however you mean the embedded (multiple) PE on the Arrange tab, correct? There's no separate grid setting saved yet.
When I hear about 'frustrations', I always ask myself is this due to tech issues, or workflow confusion? While the latter requires making videos, writing instructions and organizing workshops, the former can be resolved relatively quickly. That said, please email me any tech issues you face directly and they'll be put on the list for the coming updates.
EDIT: Thanks for getting in touch directly. I appreciate you taking the time to write your issues down.
Mo., 21.07.2014 - 12:46 Permalink
If by 'different grids for PE and arrange' you mean the PE's extra window, this is already the case. I assume however you mean the embedded (multiple) PE on the Arrange tab, correct? There's no separate grid setting saved yet.
Yes. I mean the embedded phrase editor on the Arrange tab. Most of the time I´ll work with 8th or 16th notes resolution. Making a loop or moving containers is not really practical with that resolution. Its rather hit´n miss.
Having the same resolution field for the arrange would be nice.