I love this feature but i don,t know how can i use it correctly
Imagine i have one folder with 25 midi files,each has its own name.I want to import once all the files into Synfire Library window.
In Synfire in Window menu i choose Launcher and press Library.File-Import-Standard midi file.I choose the first midi file in the folder,for example hola1.Appears the import window.
In Figure Recognition i choose input for harmonizer (static) and in your selection i uncheck Harmonic Content.
In file section i check Import All Files In Directory.
Then I press Start Import and import all the files in library but...
-I want that all the files are imported with the same preset : Input For Harmonizer (static) and i don,t know if is possible and how to do it because the first file is imported as Input For Harmonizer (static) but the rest of the files of the folder are imported with Auto-Detect preset and i want to avoid this.
-I want that all the files are imported in the library have the same name that they had not GM.Viola (2) Is possible to respect the original name of the midi file imported? If yes how to do it?
Mo., 01.09.2014 - 20:41 Permalink
On the import dialog, there's also a switch 'Static Notes on All Tracks' (or similar). This will be applied to all files.
Di., 02.09.2014 - 02:08 Permalink
Andre thanks to your help.
And please,about :
-I want that all the files are imported in the library have the same name that they had not GM.Viola (2) Is possible to respect the original name of the midi file imported? If yes how to do it?
See the picture,the original name of the first midi file imported is 1bass01e but it is imported with GM.Synth Bass 1 (2)
Di., 02.09.2014 - 09:53 Permalink
Synfire attempts to find a name for each track, if the MIDI file doesn't provides one, it shows the sound name.
Your files don't seem to provide names for the tracks.
Di., 02.09.2014 - 10:44 Permalink
Andre do you know any software where is possible to provide the names for thr midis that when import them in synfire reflect them.
Something like i think are tags ? Some special software dedicated specifically to edit the midi data ?
Thank you :)
Di., 02.09.2014 - 16:13 Permalink
I don't know such a basic midi file tool. I would also love to have one for testing.
Di., 02.09.2014 - 19:54 Permalink
Andre ok thanks to your attention ;)
Mi., 03.09.2014 - 00:11 Permalink
a quick google search came up with this tool:
One of the many things it can do is edit track names...Unfortunately its not free, but is available for a 14 day trial.
also found http://midieditor.sourceforge.net/index.php?page=start which is free...
please note I havent tried either of these tools..so if you do, please report back how useful they are.
Mi., 03.09.2014 - 03:57 Permalink
Well I just did a test of a very short midi file with 4 tracks. I created the tracks in Reaper (PC/Mac). You can try the full version of Reaper for as long as you need before you buy it.
I named the tracks - "Bass" - "Flute" - "Drums" - "Piano" - and exported a midi file. When I imported the file into Synfire, all the tracks had the right name.
If you open an existing midi file in Reaper - (re)name the tracks - re-export the midi file - and then import it into Synfire, your track names should be correct.
Mi., 03.09.2014 - 09:38 Permalink
Hi Boydbob
Thanks to your informationI have also the original Reaper.
How do you export the midi file,from the arrange File-Export Project MIDI... or from the midi item editor File-Export to new midi file... ?
Reaper is amazing ;)
Mi., 03.09.2014 - 09:49 Permalink
There are two ways:
1-Import All Files In Directory (box checked)
2-Import All Files In Directory (box checked) + Put in a Single Folder (box checked)
-In both in Length (by default is 2m (measure) if your midi file is 1 measure you must change this to 1m
1: File : Import All Files In Directory (box checked)
Your Selection: Import Track
Fast Import: Static Pitches On All Tracks
2: File : Import All Files In Directory (box checked)
Put in a Single Folder (box checked
Your Selection: Import Track
Fast Import: Static Pitches On All Tracks
In this 2 option i don,t know why but the midi files imported in the same folder,their names are duplicated (you can see in the picture 2-Library Pez1-Pez1 (2) ) Why is duplicated the titles of the midi files ? Is possible to avoid this ?
Mi., 03.09.2014 - 19:58 Permalink
Blacksun thanks to your links but i am mac user.But sure for Pc users are great ;)
This afternoon i found a software that works for this.I have tested it and works:
It works for Mac,Windows and Linux Users
But you need Java Runtime Environment since for Mac Osx 10.7 I have an old macbook laptop with 10.6.8 and does not work
Mi., 03.09.2014 - 22:40 Permalink
I notice you have "Merge to single midi track" selected. I always use "Multitrack midi file".
Then I go to File --> Export to midi file.
Mi., 03.09.2014 - 23:41 Permalink
OK, I think I've got it figured out.
I took a midi file from the internet and imported it into Reaper. I re-named the tracks so I could tell if Synfire was picking up the correct track name. - IT DIDN'T WORK.
So, it turns out that Synfire gets the midi track name from the midi ITEM name, not from whatever we named the track in our DAW. When I created an original midi track in reaper, the new midi item got it's name from the Track it was created on, so in that case the names were the same and it worked.
So the solution is to go into the event editor for each track (double-click the midi item & select "View" --> "Mode: Event List") At the top of the event list there should be a "Track Name" event that you can edit.
If there isn't one, R-click on the top item and select "Insert Text" ( "Track Name" wasn't available). Type in the name you want, hit "Enter" and then you can change the "Text Type" to "Track Name."
Do., 04.09.2014 - 00:33 Permalink
The double names appear to be "midi file name"-"midi item name" i.e. for a file named "Bad Song" with tracks (midi items) named "Bad Bass"; Bad Guitar" etc, you'd get "Bad Song-Bad Bass"; "Bad Song-Bad Guitar", etc
But you can easily rename the files.
There is an icon shaped like a gear under those file names. If you click on it, there's an option to rename the midi item.
Do., 04.09.2014 - 22:37 Permalink
Boydbob thanks for give your time and help in this thread ;)
I have tested by insert new text event... method in the event list and works perfect.Synfire detects the track name when the midi file is imported.
From now i will create my own midi files in reaper,not in ableton because synfire does not detect the names of the midi clips created in Ableton.I have a lot of midi files created in ableton and synfire does not detect their names.
For midi files of this type (created in ableton or imported from internet) is more simple and fast to import them in Midiyodi and save them (and synfire detects their names) than import them in reaper and edit the track name in event list.
I think your method described is best for midi files created from scratch.
About duplicate names for me in reaper does not occurs in my test with only one track and one midi item.
I get duplicate names in Synfire (as i described in before post and still not get answer) when i import the midi file in the library window with put in a single folder checked.
Fr., 05.09.2014 - 08:57 Permalink
I have a lot of midi files created in ableton and synfire does not detect their names.
Then there are probably no names in them. Can you post an example file?
Fr., 05.09.2014 - 14:22 Permalink
Andre Yes,all have their names in ableton
Fr., 05.09.2014 - 16:46 Permalink
Thanks for the example. It's a format 0 file with only a single track that carries all instruments.
Can you post another example with 3 tracks?
Fr., 05.09.2014 - 17:15 Permalink
This reminds me a few of my old suggestions about the "Batch Import"
check boxes / options on import dialog:
-Use File Name For Library Name
-Add Track Names after File name
-Use this two instead of "Master Take" name
so for example in this case
Library name would be "Bomb" or "Bomb-SopranoSax"
same fo the master take name : Bomb-SopranoSax...
according to this suggestion i am still hoping one more option on Batch Import
-Import all to the same Pool !
they would be really helpful/time saver for the Batch import ...
Warm Regards
Sa., 06.09.2014 - 02:25 Permalink
Andre thanks to you, always here helping us ;)
Ableton is a DAW very simple with the export midi.
Ableton import midi 0 and 1 by its browser,it has not window where you can configure something about midi.
I think Ableton is not able to export midi 1.
Only has export midi clip function,you must export one by one midi clip.I think is impossible export three tracks at the same time.You must export one midi clip at a time.
Hi my dear Yıldırım (Soundcase) I am very lost with these kind of things but is obvious that is better to have more options in the midi import window to satisfy the different needs of users of synfire
For me the most basic and necessary is to reflect the name of the midi file when import it in synfire,not appears with the name of its instrument.
For another user maybe prefer the name of the instrument as is.For this reason i am agree with you,more options to choose how you want import the midi file is best
Warm Regards
Sa., 06.09.2014 - 03:25 Permalink
Try putting each clip on its own track and export the file. Try something small, maybe 3 tracks to test it.
Sa., 06.09.2014 - 04:11 Permalink
Hi Mario,
i glad you agree with me, fingers crossed now.
Sa., 06.09.2014 - 14:14 Permalink
Andre and Boydbob i have tried to export a midi file with 3 different tracks and is impossible in Ableton or i don,t know how to do it.
When i select the three tracks the Export midi clip... option is not available and when i select the three midi clips also is not available.Only appears when select one midi clip each time.
Blacksun or another ableton user please could you get to export in ableton a midi file with different tracks or midi clips at once?
Andre then the midi files 0 when are imported in Synfire don,t reflect their track or clip names?
Is necessary to convert them to midi file 1 ?
Yıldırım the union makes the force ;)
Sa., 06.09.2014 - 18:20 Permalink
From Ableton.com
SMF1: The MIDI data is stored in separate tracks/channels.
SMF0: All MIDI data is stored in one track only, separated exclusively by the MIDI channel.
Ableton Live (ONLY) exports MIDI files in SMF0 format with a resolution of 96 ticks per quarter note only.
An SMF1 with all original information can never be restored from a file once saved as SMF0, since some information is completely dropped for the SMF0.
note - SMF = Standard Midi File
What this means is that you cannot do what you want to do in Ableton.
You should go to "cockos.com/reaper" and download the Reaper demo. It is completely functional and never expires. Let your conscience be your guide.
The discounted non-professional license is $60 and includes one full version-number upgrade. I bought mine in September of 2011 and it's still valid after over 100 minor updates.
The only difference between the Pro & Non-Pro version is the cost.
They have a very helpful forum and there are YouTube videos to help get you started.
Sa., 06.09.2014 - 19:59 Permalink
I normally export each track from albleton and then use midijoin to combine them into one mid file which can then be imported into synfire. Not sure what it does with the tracknames or instruments but it allows you to set the tracks you want to use to influence harmony and have other tracks imported with that harmony in mind.
Oh, its a windows command line tool and free too
Sa., 06.09.2014 - 20:06 Permalink
Boyd thanks to your information
Yes ableton only export in 0 format but i suspect that is not the only problem why synfire not reflect the name of the midi clip because i have purchased right now the software Sweet Midi Converter (15 euros) and i have converted my ableton´s midi files from 0 format to 1 format and still synfire does not reflect their names.It has changed the saxophone instrument to piano instrument .
Yes i have Reaper pro original since time ago and from now sure i will export all my new midi files created from reaper and not from ableton.
The problem is as i say in the original post that i have a lot of own midi files created in ableton and synfire does not reflect their names.
I don,t know why but if i import those midi files in Midiyodi software and press save and i open them again in synfire then synfire yes reflect their original names,is magic ? what does midiyodi ? what it change in those midi files?
This is a great method but i must import one by one midi file into midiyody to change them and is very hard.The ideal would be to import them all or more in a time but is not possible.
Don,t worry Boyd is my mistake and i have learned that i must create midi files in reaper not in ableton ;)
Thanks to all for your help
Sa., 06.09.2014 - 20:14 Permalink
Blacksun thank you but i am a mac user but i will search something similar ;)
Sa., 06.09.2014 - 20:41 Permalink
i GOT GOT GOT !!!!!!!
I have draged for example several midfi files into reaper and select them,time selection them and file export project midi... and set the options as i did in the picture reaper
Thanks to all for your help ;)