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No sound when recording with midi keyboard




I added a  vst in my project and when I play with the keyboard it sounds, but when I start recording, there's no sound.

The notes are recorded anyway, but i can't listen it while recording.


Any ideas?



Fr., 26.02.2016 - 22:15 Permalink


Have you selected a device description for the rack module with your VST? If so, which?

Sa., 27.02.2016 - 21:50 Permalink

This might be an issue with MIDI Through.

Please test the following: Select the "track" (aka instrument) with your mouse, then play the external MIDI keyboard. The VST should now sound. If not, something hinders the incoming MIDI from being sent back to the VST.

What happens if you disable "Use Audio Engine for MIDI Input" (Audio & MIDI Setup >> Settings) ?