hey there. Sorry for my school english.....I have a problem... when working on pallet i choose lets say dm chord... on the piano rol the keys are a-d-f..... sounds good. Now i drag the chord to the block progression but when i click on it there ,the notes jump to d-f-a.... normaly when i have a couple of chords i want to quick hear how they sound.... and i want them to sound the same as in the pallet...how do i do that..
So., 11.12.2016 - 14:54 Permalink
In the block progression you can use number 1,2,3 ( for triads i thought..more numbers for seventhts ..and so on) for inversions of the chord
You see the inversion chances directly on the blockprogression .. i did for Dm and pullit from palette and shows as bass note 1(D)..what means root position chord
Is this what you are looking for ?
Dm : d-f-a
Dm _first inversion : f-a-d
Dm _second inversion : a-d-f
To see this you inthe block progression must in the view menu set the bass option on
I did this and pull a Dm from the pallette in the progression block in the arrangementscreen :
It shows Dm and under written 1(D) ..what means rootposition, because d is root note of Dminor chord
First inversion(number 2 on keyboard) shows: as b3 and F as bassnote
second inversion(number 3 on keyboard) shows: as 5 and A as bassnote
Number 1 on keyboard shows root position
The same method for seventh chords..nine chords ?
Synfire AI looks for the right voice leading in a arrangement, it can be a root of inverted chords
So., 11.12.2016 - 21:08 Permalink
This is asked very often, so probably we'll need to improve the documentation.
Synfire and HN attempt to meet an instrument's pitch range and at the same time smooth out the transitions between chords. That is, inversions and voicing selected for a particular chord depend on the previously played chords and the middle playing range of the instrument (in Chords-Only mode, this is the global "Chords" instrument).
Always playing chords in a fixed inversion (e.g. root position) would result in a bad listener experience, due to unmotivated pitch leaps between the chords. In most situations, this would sound artificial. Because dealing with this is a lot of work, the software handles it automatically.
Also be aware that a chord inversion is played by a specific instrument, while the Harmony progresison is for all instruments at the same time. Therefore a progression can not carry any specific inversion anyway.
If you want to bypass automated inversion, you have the following three options:
- Widen the middle playing range of the instrument and use the green [c] Figure symbols to play exactly the chord inversions you want (Synfire only).
- On the progression editor and palette notepad, click on a chord and use the 1,2,3,4 keys to force a particular inversion. This however only changes the bass tone and overall sound. You can achieve the same using the +/- buttons on the chord inspector.
- Click on a chord and press SHIFT + Up/Down Arrow to nudge the pitch range of the "Chords" global instrument up or down for the duration of that chord. This will choose higher or lower sounding inversion for that chord without forcing a particular bass tone (HN2 only).
Note that if you tweaked a progression this way, it will likely sound less pretty in other keys or with other instruments (sounds). Since you have taylored it to a specific pitch range and sequence of chords, that carefully assembled balance will break once you start replacing chords, transpose to another key, or play on a sound that requires a different pitch range. This is the main reason why it was automated in the first place.
The easiest way is to change the middle playing range (typical pitch) of the "Chords" instrument until the overall progression meets the desired timbre, and let the software select inversions automatically.
Mo., 12.12.2016 - 13:31 Permalink
d minor...when i click on the block does it sound higher because the bass is playing the bass note and when i click on the pallet dm without?.maybe that is the thing...
Mo., 12.12.2016 - 14:05 Permalink
But y have to say this. I don't want to change the chord progression.... Becaus it is ok....dm on the pallet is d minor a-d-f .sounds good. drag the chord to the block above the pallet and there it plays d-f-a- Why.....Because when i render midi it rendersadf...... so why is the sound different when i click on the block.....
Mo., 12.12.2016 - 14:14 Permalink
It is processed by Synfire musical AI : do you have a arrangenent open under the chord progression lane ?
Mo., 12.12.2016 - 14:36 Permalink
only have harmony navigator
Mo., 12.12.2016 - 15:41 Permalink
Uses the same music Artificial Intellince as Synfire ... if there are figures or style in Harmony Navigator