In HN2, what chord symbol would I use to represent these notes, in this order, (low to high):
C A Eb Ab
(Where this comes from: a Cdim form on the guitar (C A Eb Gb), but with that Gb raised to Ab.)
Because of it's origin in a Cdim form, I tend to think of it as Cdim#5.
In any case, I need to know how to represent this using the HN2 chords and extentions as provided. (Apologies if I am missing something right in front of me!)
Sa., 19.01.2019 - 23:30 Permalink
OK, it seems I can enter the notes themselves, separated by dashes, like so:
"C-A-Eb-Ab" .
The results gets reported as: Cm(#5,6)
So., 20.01.2019 - 00:07 Permalink
And if I wanna call it dim#5 (don't shoot me!), I can define it and add it to the library just as I wish it.
So., 27.01.2019 - 17:47 Permalink
Thanks for sharing your insights!