Suppose I'm working in a Bass Factory, creating and auditioning phrases. I would like a drum loop to underlie the bass phrases as I audition them. Is that possible?
Goal of course would be to configure that and then have the auditioning process be no less quick and easy than it is now. IOW, dragging the new phrases somewhere else (or similar) for every audition would only make things worse, not better!
The concept generalizes. Maybe the desired underlying loop at any moment is not drums, but something else.
I'm hoping this is currently possible.
If not, it would be a very helpful enhancement to the auditioning process IMO.
Do., 21.12.2023 - 09:08 Permalink
Good idea. As always, the main challenge is how to integrate it with the UI. It's already more than complex enough. If you have an idea, let us know.
You can do this now with a drums plug-in that synchronizes to the Engine transport.
Di., 30.01.2024 - 16:38 Permalink
Hi again.
You can do this now with a drums plug-in that synchronizes to the Engine transport.
I have a drums plugin in an Arrangement sounding per the transport status. So, I take it that the Arr window sends transport info to plugins.
What about the Library window or app? I do not hear my drums in this case. (e.g. when auditioning Bass chunks in a Bass Library)
Can I do anything about this?
Or, could Synfire be enhanced so that Library windows also (optionally) send transport info to plugins?
Mo., 19.02.2024 - 13:33 Permalink
This turned out to be a great suggestion because a simple switch "Preview Phrases With Container" (in Playback menu) does the trick. When the green "Link To Track" switch is enabled, this will play the current container as if the selected phrase was inserted already. Works great in Structure and Library.
We added this to the next update.