Using this format in Synfire could open a whole new use
We are excited to introduce support for DAWproject files in Cubase 14. DAWproject is an open file format enabling seamless project transfers between DAWs, offering users greater flexibility and efficiency. This format allows you to transfer entire projects with the full structure—tracks, channels, and groups—preserved, eliminating the need to export individual stems and reducing time and effort.
When importing a DAWproject file into another DAW, all elements remain intact, including tracks, groups, colors, markers, events, fades, MIDI, and plug-in settings. This facilitates smooth collaboration, easier transitions between music software, and a greater focus on creativity over technical tasks.
Mi., 20.11.2024 - 19:07 Permalink
Good news
Fr., 13.12.2024 - 23:13 Permalink
Using this format in Synfire could open a whole new use
We should keep in mind that Synfire is not a DAW. Merely importing a single MIDI track already is causing considerable complications, but what to do, e.g., with an audio track in Synfire? A DAWproject file could not simply be imported, but would require a lot of translation into a completely different mind set so to speak...
Sa., 14.12.2024 - 00:06 Permalink
When I wrote an audio track will never appear In Synfire : the response was ..never say never
There was also a positive reaction to this universal DAW format.
Ok, now the technical story and is there really the need for Synfire to want to use this format ?
An audio track might be a good idea ?
Sa., 14.12.2024 - 00:19 Permalink
There was also a positive reaction to this universal DAW format.
Just to clarify: I think we are largely in agreement here. I certainly welcome this new format. Would be great to seamlessly move projects between Studio One, Bitwig, Reaper, and Cubase (once the format is sufficiently supported) and perhaps even more DAWs. For Synfire, there are even more challenges, but it would of course be welcome...
Sa., 14.12.2024 - 01:05 Permalink
This would make a great export/output format along the lines of the musical score export but for a daw.
Sa., 14.12.2024 - 12:04 Permalink
Export is the goal so you can easily do audio production in the DAW after composing with Synfire
Sa., 14.12.2024 - 12:36 Permalink
Export is the goal
Nice! (And indeed then some problems do not come up.)
Sa., 14.12.2024 - 13:01 Permalink
We basically got DAWproject export implemented already. The XML validates against the DTD so formally all should be fine. But Studio One and BitWig still reject the XML for unknown reasons.
If anyone of you is tech savvy and wants to speed this up (we are currently busy with other things), we could use some help with finding out how to get error descriptions that are more helpful than "Is not valid". I mean, those DAW developers surely had a better tool for that (we use Oxygen XML Editor and associated tools).
It is also possible that the published XML specs are just outdated.
I can upload a sample XML for a simple project.
Sa., 14.12.2024 - 14:00 Permalink
Here's a simple example exported file.
It's a ZIP that you can rename with ".zip" file extension to open.
Sa., 14.12.2024 - 14:14 Permalink
had a quick look at the github issues to see if I could see any that might be pertinent to synfire, seems very flakey to me. Some attributes that are defined as optional in the code are defined as mandatory in the xml specs. VST3 seems better supported but issues with earlier plugins, the standard doesnt allow for AU plugin ids... and they were things I picked up on in 5 minutes.
Sa., 14.12.2024 - 14:32 Permalink
That was my impression as well. It takes a lot of effort to define (and refine) a standard. Especially in the Wild West of audio software. MusicXML took about 10 years to mature.
One issue I remember is track/lane IDs. They are supposed to be unique, which is fine, but if you use them to reference a track/lane later in the file, XML validation complains that the uniqueness is violated. What are IDs good for if you can't reference them?
All we can do is submit issues on GitHub and wait until these things are fixed.
So., 22.12.2024 - 19:16 Permalink
Got something working already. Now that Cubase 14 will also support this it will be a killer feature. Here's what current exports looks like. Very encouraging.
Studio One
There's still some stuff you need to fix by hand, e.g. selecting the target instrument for multi-timbral tracks that go to the the same mixer channel. It also works for VST3 only at this time.
It's a shame that we can't release this yet. There's too much with the format that still needs fixing.
So., 22.12.2024 - 22:58 Permalink