We are currently working on a new symbol type: yellow Interval symbols. They are similar to purple Relative symbols. They place the anchor at a specific logical (nominal) interval of the chord: Third, Fifth, Seventh, Ninth, etc.
This has shown to be musically very effective. You can layer multiple melodic lines by interval meaning ("sound") instead of a rather unpredictable index in the current a scale or chord inversion. This sounds absolutely wonderful for lush string sections, for example. A completely new dimension of expression for Synfire.
We'll also have note overlap as part of an articulation definition. For example, legato and portamento articulations can now create note overlaps in the output without you having to alter symbol durations.
Details are currently being tested and fixed. We'll have a video with a string section demo.
Stay tuned!
Do., 16.01.2025 - 14:07 Permalink
Interval symbols (as described) are a great idea!
Some thoughts occur to me (which may well have already occurred to you):
Ability for users easily edit a given symbol to change it from Relative to Interval
Ability for Interpretation be able to play Relative as Interval, or Interval as Relative, or both as either
Ability to use automation, or realtime modulation input to do the above
Fr., 17.01.2025 - 21:33 Permalink
Double click on the symbol type to convert any segment
Sa., 18.01.2025 - 09:29 Permalink
I am really curious now with that new symbol how the orchestral composing of chords goes.
Tried once to make a 5 note chord in Synfire , but to get the right consistency of the chord did not work.
Do not know about chord recognition because e.g. a 5th top harmony line does not follow the chord structure anymore, so you have to make a 4 note chord.
A triad with a doubling.
Sa., 18.01.2025 - 21:19 Permalink
Demo of the new symbol type:
It's still experimental but very useful already. You can try with version 2.6.0 now.
Since intervals repeat every octave only, it's tricky to map a segment intuitively. Depending on your instrument's playing ranges, the output may flip up or down an octave in sometimes unexpected ways. This is most extreme with Limit Strictly range setting for Interpretation. You can fix this manually by adding +12/-12 chromatic shift to the segment.