Perhaps It can done, and I've overlooked. I'd like to see some kin of 'normalize velocity;. Where you set a high range, and all correspondin values for track are adjusted. I'd like to be able to add/subtract/multiply/divide velocity values, instead of trying to adjust them with current tool.
I know this becomes a trade off of where does SFP end/ and your DAW begin?. I've gotten SFP to make some amazingmusic, but then I get to one sections where the velocities are just off on several instruments and it's quite a chore to rectify it. . Easier to porto over to DAW and fix. I realize you have a lot more important issues to take care of. (keep the videos coming)
Fr., 29.06.2012 - 09:32 Permalink
No need to switch to the DAW. Just edit the Velocity parameter (use hyper edit mode, if no velocity vector is set).
You can select any span and transpose it (arrow keys). Draw in ramps (shape tool). Now that you say it, a normalize function would also be nice to have.
Fr., 29.06.2012 - 18:05 Permalink
Thanx - wasn't aware of that. We need to have 'cheat sheet' A forum or file, which has all these little tidbits of helpful, Like any full fledged piece of software, there are sometimes more than one way to accomplish the same or obscure task.
When you have a bunch of tracks going, it's very easy for instruments to get out of control, (expression, velocity, durations off).
With velocity it would be nice to use the lasso and highlight certain velcoties and be able to pull them up/down. Or a velocity control shrinks or expands the velocity range.. Velocity, duration and subtle location manage ment make all the difference in the world, of an ok song and a great song.
In Logic there are a powerful suite of transfomation commands.. Also in the environment you can create extremely complex proceedures that allow you to instantly quantize data, change velocty or duration on certain sub=positions, and then unquantize again to get bac to origin feel.
Often it come down to tedious one note at a time hand editing. The result is really worth it.
Again incluseion bring up the question what exactly IS Synfire Pro. To be honest, I'd like to see more subtle/ yet powerful commands llke the above, to avoid going back/forth to DAW. I have recorded pieces totally inside of SFP, and if there were more commands I'd be more inclined to stay within SFP.
Do., 15.01.2015 - 17:24 Permalink
a normalize function would also be nice to have.
a Normalize Function that lets you choose the normalization level to be applied.
Some of my VSTi's use Velocity Levels for key switching, so I need to keep them within certain velocity ranges, otherwise I get unexpected results.
If I want the relative velocity to stay the same, while increasing or decreasing the overall level, a drawing tool is way too much work. For now I have to take the file back to the DAW and edit it there.
Do., 15.01.2015 - 18:25 Permalink
Got it. To achieve a similar result, you can make a span selection and drag its upper or lower bounds.