I would like to see an alternative colouring scheme, perhaps in the phrase editor, where the colour of the rendered notes would be different depending on where they sit with the current chord and scale.
For example, notes within the chord would be green, notes in the scale blue, and chromatic notes red. This would be extremely useful in melody tracks as it would give an instant visual representation of the rendered notes. If they were all green it would most likely be boring, so we want some blue and red notes at key positions.
And just by selecting 'Normal View' again (instead of 'Chord View') the notes would return to their normal blue (or whatever) colour.
This is similar to the feature in Cubase for the VariAudio track when it is linked to the chord track and it's very useful indeed.
Mo., 12.08.2013 - 01:55 Permalink
Hey Pete! Do you have Cubase 7? Your color scheme is exactly what happens with notes in the Variaudio 2 window undre a chord track!
Excellent idea.
Mo., 12.08.2013 - 02:38 Permalink
To employ color more, is a great idea. Vision is perhaps the greatest data collector in the human brain. It would be great to make the most use of it we could..
I did see we are going to have a wider color pallette. your idea for the color of notes might be useful. Personally I would love to open up another pages and see the music traditionally represented on staves.. But one thing at a time.. SFP now is already complex... perhaps in a future update..
Mo., 12.08.2013 - 12:27 Permalink
Good idea, although not working with figures. Figures don't have a pitch. The rendered pitch may be different for each loop or under influence of other containers, parameters.
We would need a (read only) piano roll that shows final MIDI output.
Mo., 12.08.2013 - 13:17 Permalink
We would need a (read only) piano roll that shows final MIDI output.
A visualization of the rendered notes is indeed urgently needed. The view of the figures is telling only half the story.
Mo., 12.08.2013 - 17:10 Permalink
I am going to add a +1 for Mark without asking his permission, as he has long requested such feature.
And here's mine.
Di., 13.08.2013 - 00:25 Permalink
Regarding color; I would like the ability to freely use color any way I wanted (I know that is impossible). But perhaps think of using color 'outside the box'. I don't think that's any manufactorur has done yet.. (but I'm only familiar with Logic.
I.E. Some one might want to color his phrase notes.. And then use lighter or darker shades of color for that instrument, so he could have an indication that the phrase gets more complex. is backwards, whatever.
Logic has a large pallette of colors, and there are just a handful of ways to use it over which you have control. But I've been to enought seminars, and other musicians studios, to see that most of use use color to help us keep track of things.
And some use it very differently than others.. One nice aspect is you can color each region, and then highlight multiple regions and see them all in the pianoroll editor. Bass being purple, guitar being red, strings blue, etc.. Jumping between that an orchestral score editor makes it very easy to get in there fix bar, where some notes are clashing. Or just using it to see the amount and density of notes in a passage..
With one switch you can have all notes in the score page displayed in color according to velocity. Makes it very easy to fix notes 'sticking out'. Or highlight a bunch of notes and lower their velocity, rather than write in volume or expression commands (CC7, CC11)
It's not a deal breaker, we all appreciate the work and time he is putting into SFP.. Perhaps over some time, different people will contribute ideas to this. And something will inspire Andre..
I know several of us here have pointed out nice features in our Daws, and Andre is taking the best ideas from the different Daws. Cubase, Protools, Logic, and several others DAWs have had a long time to grow and mature. You can see they all study and dissect each others programs, cause some similarities start showing up.. In fact that would be nice. When one come up with a great idea, the other companies put a similar feature in.
Fr., 16.08.2013 - 13:13 Permalink
+1 for the read-only piano roll, especially with the ability to select different colouring schemes!!
As it's a 'good idea', is it something that will be implemented soon please?