Lerne die verschiedenen Arten und Zwecke von Containern kennen und erfahre, wie du sie zur Strukturierung eines Arrangements verwenden kannst.
Lerne die verschiedenen Arten und Zwecke von Containern kennen und erfahre, wie du sie zur Strukturierung eines Arrangements verwenden kannst.
Di., 24.10.2023 - 14:51 Permalink
Hi I can’t change the size of a container when they are place in a row, as shown in the new tuturial. I am on a Mac!
Di., 24.10.2023 - 15:08 Permalink
Size is the sum of all child containers. You need to add at least one container.
Di., 24.10.2023 - 15:52 Permalink
I think I don't understand your anwser, I have created three container under the roote container and I have check ( keep child container in a row). When I have done that I can't change the lenght of the continer at all. I try to follow the tutorial very close.
Di., 24.10.2023 - 16:55 Permalink
Check that box for the parent container (root in your case).
You probbaly have selected a child and ticked the box there. Every container can be the parent of multiple children kept in a row.