Example Arangement Files (Aurora Over Orbit City)
For learning, experimentation and as a resource for phrases and harmonies. Here are the original files for the following arrangements. Of course they will sound much different in your (...)
For learning, experimentation and as a resource for phrases and harmonies. Here are the original files for the following arrangements. Of course they will sound much different in your (...)
Introduction to the Harmony First workflow
About importing and refining a library of building blocks that can be used as a construction kit orchestral and hybrid soundtrack music. This ongoing project will be updated incrementally until the library is finished.
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Du hast vielleicht schon bemerkt, dass wir Twitter für Mastodon aufgegeben haben. Seitdem Twitter in den Besitz von Elon Musk übergegangen ist, ist die Zahl der Nutzer von Mastodon um satte 600% (...)
Willkommen auf unserer neu gestalteten Gemeinschaftswebsite! Wir freuen uns, dass du hier bist, und sind gespannt auf die tollen Funktionen und Updates, die wir auf Lager haben. Diese Seite wurde neu gestaltet (...)
Aus verschiedenen Gründen hat unsere Präsenz auf Twitter nie richtig Fahrt aufgenommen. Um ehrlich zu sein, haben wir diesen Kommunikationskanal vernachlässigt und das merkt man. Jetzt, wo Twitter im Chaos zu versinken (...)
Extremely cool upright bass solo here. I just came across this while programming a similar style for the upcoming generative algos. Erm, it won't be quite as exciting as this live performance (...)
Haven't had a chance to make any music for what seems like ages, so to de-stress from working too hard had a little play around with Synfire. Mainly using the example libraries (...)
Hi. As we know, Synfire needs a chord and a vertical or horizontal scale to define a pitch. And to me this is great because you can drastically change the meaning of (...)
This is an example song featuring 10 instances of Sprike and no other synth (except a drum preset from Soundcase). So this is a real demo of what you can do with (...)