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2.0 is near?


Update: We changed the behavior of the progression editor for next version 2.0 to support

Andre, what is the planned release date for this 2.0?
I'm interested also in the "what's new" list. :ouch:
(I think the new features list should be final nowadays, as the release date is getting closer. ?)

Thx in advance!

Do., 22.10.2009 - 05:06 Permalink

Yes, I'm waiting in anticipation too!

But take all the time you need Andre .... knock our sox off! :-)



Do., 22.10.2009 - 17:54 Permalink

Well, there's a lot of new stuff to come. HN2 will come in two flavors (naming may still change).

HN2 Express:
- Aims at users who want all the harmony but don't need patterns
- Focusses on palette surfing in chords-only mode
- Progression notepad with MIDI export
- Budget friendly price

HN2 Pro:
- Aims at songwriters and advanced users
- Cool song editor with multiple parts, mixer, etc
- Individual phrases per part
- MIDI export of the whole song
- Integrated harmonizer

Graphical phrase editing will remain an exclusive feature of Synfire Pro. However, the way HN2 makes use of phrases internally will be easier to understand. There has been a lot of development since 1.6.1, so you will see significant overall progress in usability and reliability.

Note that this is preliminary information only which is subject to change without notice. We don't have a release date yet. We're currently in the testing and fine-tuning phase.

Sa., 30.01.2010 - 18:17 Permalink

We don't need rewire.
For a plugin of this expense you should be able to load it into your daw as a vsti. :toobad:

Sa., 30.01.2010 - 21:55 Permalink

Any news on the update? I just purchased HN1, and while I can appreciate its function it seems very cludgy in use..

I keep running into issues that are frustrating. For instance I just created 3 parts, put a chord progression into all then exported a midi file. It only contained one part (in Logic 9) not sure if that's user error BUT I go back to HN1 and now there is only one part.

The editing in the progression editor is weird as well.. I don't see the same usage in Mac that I see in the tutorials.. no length change for region etc. Bear in mind that I'm brand new to this app but it should be easier imo to navigate and produce results. I can still select, then shift click to select multiple chords but if you could rubberband a selection that seems more intuitive.

I'll add the caveat that I've only used the program for a few hours but generally catch on to workflow with new apps pretty quickly.

So., 31.01.2010 - 02:27 Permalink

HN2 will be better in many regards. As you purchased after November 15th, you are eligible for a free upgrade. Check your user account to download the current HN2 beta. Send any observations or suggestions to support at cognitone dot com. We appreciate your feedback.


So., 31.01.2010 - 03:58 Permalink

Thank you supertonic!

I'm liking HN2 much better already, much improved interface.

Thanks again,