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Add Secondary Dominant and Secondary Leading Tone Labels to Palette


The iOS app Suggester has an excellent palette showing the secondary dominant and seconday leading chords. It is a great tool to develop progressions. Suggest to add similar view / indicator to SFs palette.

Fr., 07.04.2023 - 19:08 Permalink

This might be a nice addition as a palette preset as the default already has(had?) a row or two of the more often used chords that are not directly related to the key. A thought I've had is that it may be a good idea to implement this in the progression editor where you could select a chord and with a right click menu item or key shortcut tranform the chord into the V of the selected chord. As you can make secondary dominant chains i.e. "V/V/V/V", in the palette this might get crowded quick. Also if you go to layout>preset>functions or layout>preset>maximal you will get a view of secondary dominant relationships and others in a Riemanian transform notation.

Fr., 07.04.2023 - 20:27 Permalink

You have several layout preset options for the palette and if you set it to "Maximal" you will find several secondary chords (at least the most relevant ones) at the top and at the bottom of the palette (separated from the rest of the chords).


Sa., 08.04.2023 - 19:16 Permalink

"...you could select a chord and with a right click menu item or key shortcut tranform the chord into the V of the selected chord."

An interesting idea, but I think it would be more helpful if the selected chord transformed into the V of the NEXT chord in the progression. (Or maybe that's what you meant?) To some extent these V (of V, etc.) chords are shown on the palette, but such a function might save time and make prototyping flow more easily.

Sa., 08.04.2023 - 22:54 Permalink

True, the way you explain it makes more sense from a workflow perspective, in my head I'd take a chord and duplicate it and then tranform the first on into the V of itself so that it resolves into the second. More work but in my head it sounds easier from a programatic perpective.