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Assigning Sounds... again :-(



After a break of 7 months I'm back giving HN another try. The same old thing always stops me ... getting HN to trigger the sounds I want.

I don't use GM at all so what I want is to click on the chords on the Pallete and have HN play the Piano chords along with a generated accompaniment. I'm pretty adept with MIDI ... but this thing gets me confused every time. It's not a cheap app either ... so I want to plumb the potential I know is there.

So here I am. I have Cubase V5 set up as my vsti host with several instruments Loaded. (Mac OS 10.5.8 system)

Track 1 ; Piano (Pianoteq)
Track 2 : Bass (Halion 1)
Track 3 : Guitar ( Slayer)
Track 4 : Pad (Spector)

I could have each of these set to the same MIDI Input (say IAC 1) on a different MIDI channel, But for the sake of clarity I have set up each on to accept input from a separate IAC Buss
So it's

Track 1 ; Piano (Pianoteq) : IAC 1
Track 2 : Bass (Halion 1): IAC 2
Track 3 : Guitar ( Slayer): IAC 3
Track 4 : Pad (Spector) : IAC 4

In HN I have the following HN Output Ports Assigned

Port 1 to IAC 1
Port 2 to IAC 2
Port 3 to IAC 3
Port 4 to IAC 4

This is reflected in the Port summary :

Port 1 goes to IAC Bus 1:IAC Driver using Pianoteq
Port 2 goes to IAC Bus 2:IAC Driver using Halion 1
Port 3 goes to IAC Bus 3:IAC Driver using Slayer
Port 4 goes to IAC Bus 4:IAC Driver using Spector

I'm happy to manage the sound of each instrument in Cubase ... I just want to get HN to send the generated MIDI data to the correct destination. Each vsti has been registered ... as a single patch of the type I use it for (Piano, Bass, Pad, Guitar) I guess this is where HN sets the appropriate note ranges?

Now I come unstuck. I can create a new Accompaniment, I create new Instrument for each of my Piano, Bass, Guitar, Pad (why isn't there a button for this ... the ctrl menu drives me nuts!). I go into the Properties for each track ( why can't I double click the instrument ... Cntrl menu again!), Pick my Generic Patch for each Instrument (they all seem to sound from the local keyboard ... save the arrangement). But now what? How do I get HN to play this 'band'. How do the instruments get up to the little blue blocks in the Pallette? How do I change the styles etc ... without messing up the 'band'?

Any help would be appreciated.


ASIDE : For my money I'd rather can the noble attempt to control all the sounds. Just give me the 6 Instrument slots ... double click on each for a window to tell HN what type of sound it is (for range, etc) and an assignment to a MIDI output. Bam done. Then I click on the Palette and HN generates notes for the activated instruments in a chosen style sending the data to the selected Output. I'll take care of all the sound tweaking.

Di., 24.11.2009 - 16:43 Permalink

Your sound setup seems to be perfectly ok. I agree with the usability issues you mention. HN 1.6.1 only has a rudimentary pattern editor. It will be much improved with the next version.

You can click on the level meters to open the sound properties. There's Command-I too.

The keyboard shortut Command-Alt-N adds a new instrument. You can also pick this from the main menu. We didn't add a button for that, as there are only six instruments anyway.

The context menu opens on a right-click. There's no need to use the ctrl-workaround that Apple once introduced because they thought it was a great idea to force everybody to get along with a single mouse button. This always bugged me, because pointing to an object and opening its possible actions in a context menu is a common standard since 1986.

[quote]How do I get HN to play this 'band'?

Save the accompaniment to the presets folder ("Patterns") in "/Library/Application Support/Harmony Navigator" and reload all accompaniments with "Playback >> Accompaniment >> Reload all ...". After that you can pick it from the Playback menu.

Alternatively you can "File >> Export >> Save to Accompaniments Menu" and it's aded to the menu right away. Albeit not saved to disk.

