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Can a palette update when you click a chord in a song?


With 'Follow Section' active I can watch my chords in the song window sections while watching the palette update. However if I stop the playback and the song is not running, if I click the chord, it doesn't seem to affect (update) the palette?


Is it possible to click a chord with a key stroke combo in the song section window and have the palette update to show that chord as the focus in the palette?





Fr., 02.11.2012 - 17:49 Permalink

It was in the palette playback menu, but not in the song window playback menu.




This is absolutely one of the best features. You have a progression pretty well worked out, but a transition/ chord change is just not working. To stop and look at all the possibilities and try things from within the song with it's arrangement is much better than trying chord changes with the global instruments in the palette ... not that the latter is bad, but no so helpful once you are in the middle of things.

