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A chart that contains every chord.


Okay think of s chord book thst has every keyboard chord known to man. Also think of a chord poster that has every keyboard chord known to man. Now in Synfire just have one huge page of chords in the chromatic scale. So you would see A through G on one page. Now think of a matrix that a person could click on any chord they wanted.

In other words, Synfire, but more specific Harmony navigator is to confining for me. I'm a bit radical so I just want all chords available to me, regardless of theory. I want to be more free to stumble around rather than be confined to palettes.

So one huge matrix of chords. Then add to this the ability to keep clicking up the inversions to the highest note and then start over back to the original root position.

Mo., 08.02.2010 - 23:28 Permalink

Check out the Chromatic Maze palette examples. Be sure you reset all layout filters. And, erm, have a huge screen at hand ;-)

Di., 09.02.2010 - 09:18 Permalink

They are in the examples folder, filed under Palettes:

Chromatic Maze (Blue).cogpal
Chromatic Maze (Green).cogpal

If you can't find them, we probably missed to include the latest examples with the 1.1.7 update package (will check).