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How do I copy some parts/figures from one container to another? 

Di., 25.06.2024 - 19:02 Permalink

Here's how you can copy an Instrument,  good for say, moving a drum part from one container to another.



Just copy from the source, then paste in the destination.

You can also do similar at a finer granularity (e.g. a few notes from a Figure).

Also worth noting, you don't have to paste over the destination.   You can create a new container in parallel, paste into that, and then the container precedence will determine what you hear.

For example, this:

shows the lower container, a drums-only part, overriding just the drums in full-combo container A2.    If I inactivate that lower container I will hear the original drums from A2 again.  


Di., 25.06.2024 - 20:53 Permalink

I worked it out what I was trying to do. 

I copied the figures part I made into the library from container A, then out of library into container B so I can add which parts I need from container A and build of them in container B.

This way I can build a full song with containers. To be honest coming from DAWS this programme is a struggle but its well worth it for creativity and writers block.


Thank you I will check out  you're advice too.



Di., 25.06.2024 - 21:11 Permalink

If your song uses the popular verse/chorus structure, you can start from a template and fill it with phrases rather than building containers from scratch.

You can use drag & drop instead of copy & paste if both source and target are visible on screen.

Di., 25.06.2024 - 21:30 Permalink

Synfire is different from a DAW, mainly in the fact that you are throwing a lot of different types of objects around with the mouse. Once you get used to it, you will not want to miss it.

If you can collect a brief list of notes where you initially struggled with something, that would be a hugely useful resource for us to flatten the learning curve.

Often it's merely a small hint at the right place, or a more commonly used term for something, that makes a difference.

Di., 25.06.2024 - 21:53 Permalink

Thanks will do, overall synfire an amazing programme I'm enjoying the learning curve and in a way glad it is much different from a DAW. 

I've learnt a lot from the videos, it would be great to have a start-to-finish song production video, not just separate tutorials learning the full workflow of others who have been using synfire for a while.