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core:research : node-based palette for linking/freezing....


A node-based palette for linking/freezing each parameter according to custom definitions at the note level


Do., 27.05.2010 - 11:32 Permalink

ok, this is a bit complex at first sight, but in fact quite simple to understand.

Each paramater is defined in time by a numerical value, or a set of numerical values.

One generally understands harmony as the simple coherence of notes between instrument parts. It may be a too much reductionist approach, like the concept of timbre which is not merely linked to pitch but depends on plenty other factors.

Harmony, to my view, should also be considered according to most of parameters defined for a particular phrase.

Parameters are set up individually and act as layered components for the phrase definition.

But one could envisage it this way: opening a parameter palette where one could link parameters one with each other according to particular users definitions.

This may be simple proportionality of values or more complex relationships. Add, substract, multiply (by any range), and other kind of data stuffs.

This could be then reeditable at more fine level until the note scale.
I think a good and powerful zoom in and zoom out into the grid could help a lot.

The visual node-based configuration would be useful and comfortable to build a global image of these relationships between parameters.

Do., 27.05.2010 - 17:05 Permalink

Well perhaps i was not clear: i mean parameters for different instruments.

instrument1: parameters 1
instrument2: parameters 2

palette for linking parameters 1 and parameters 2
(not only synchronizing)

At the note level, one can image further parameters like "attack", "delay", "sustain", "release" and so on...